Livestock & Lynx

Low damage potential
The lynx is certainly capable of preying on domestic animals such as sheep, goats or game. However, as experience and data from the Harz Mountains or the Bavarian Forest show, such attacks are very rare. The lynx usually stays in the forest and preys on its main food, the deer.
If a farm animal is, nevertheless, killed, the affected livestock owners can contact the Competence Centre Wolf/Beaver/Lynx of the Thuringian Ministry of the Environment and have the damage assessed. If it turns out that the animal was killed by a lynx (or a wolf), the owner is entitled to compensation under the TMUEN’s „Richtlinie für die Gewährung von Zuwendungen und Billigkeitsleistungen zur Vermeidung oder Minderung wirtschaftlicher Belastungen durch den Wolf/Luchs“ (Guideline Wolf/Lynx). The Competence Centre Wolf/Beaver/Lynx of the Thuringian Ministry of the Environment is also responsible for questions on the prevention and promotion of herd protection measures.
However, funds are also available through the “Lynx Thuringia” project to take immediate herd protection measures in the event of proven attacks on farm animals by a lynx. We would like to help quickly and unbureaucratically in such cases.
If a lynx repeatedly kills farm animals, we also reserve the right to recapture this animal in order not to endanger the general acceptance of this usually very secretive species.