In the Carpathians with a GPS collar


Das Foto zeigt wie einem Luchs in den rumänischen Karpaten mit dem Namen Baron ein Senderhalsband umgelegt wird.
Attaching the transmitter to the lynx Baron © Giacomo Serafini, ACDB

Last Saturday a lynx in the Eastern Carpathians was fitted with a GPS collar .
The lynx roams freely in the Tarcău Mountains. With the help of its GPS collar, we can now track its movements precisely.

The lynx, a male about 5 years old, was captured as part of the monitoring carried out in the project. The capture and handling of the lynx was carried out by ACDB and Romsilva experts with the support of the project vet.

After a careful examination of its physical condition and the collection of samples to be analysed for various parasites and specific infections, Baron, as the lynx was named, was fitted with the GPS collar and released.
Baron is the second lynx to be captured in this area since the start of the Luchs Thüringen project and the first to be released for in situ monitoring in this part of the Eastern Carpathians. The telemetry data will contribute to an unprecedented understanding of the animal’s movement patterns and behaviour and provide insight into how it moves in its natural landscape and interacts with its environment.

More information about the project activities in Romania can be found here!