Lynx from Hütscheroda released into the wild in Baden-Württemberg


Das Foto zeigt wie das Luchsmännchen Reinhold nach dem Öffnen der Transportbox in hohem Tempo über eine Wiese im Nordschwarzwald läuft, um sich im angrenzenden Wald Deckung zu suchen.
Lynx Reinhold in the Northern Black Forest © Zoo Karlsruhe Timo Deible

Lynx Reinhold has been roaming the northern Black Forest since 19.12.2024.

Reinhold, who was called Arved before he came to Baden-Württemberg, was born in May 2023 in the wild cat village of Hütscheroda. He is a brother of the lynx cat Finja, who died of canine distemper and with whom the ‘Lynx Baden-Württemberg’ project started in December last year. As Finja is no longer alive, the release of Reinhold poses no inbreeding risk.  Together with other lynxes, he will now provide for lynx offspring in the northern Black Forest.

The four-year ‘Luchs Baden-Württemberg’ project aims to enable the recolonisation of Baden-Württemberg by lynx and thus facilitate genetic exchange with neighbouring lynx populations in the Swiss Jura, the Vosges Mountains and the Palatinate Forest.

You can find more information here.