We celebrate International Lynx Day

To celebrate International Lynx Day, we are marking the release of Frieda and Viorel into the Thuringian Forest. Frieda, born in the Wildcat Village Hütscheroda, and Viorel, from the Romanian Carpathians, were released on May 15, 2024, equipped with GPS collars.
While Frieda remains close to the release site, Viorel has ventured far and settled in an area already inhabited by some lynxes. We aim to establish a stable lynx population in the Thuringian Forest, connecting the isolated populations in the Harz and Bavarian Forests.
By 2027, we plan to release a total of 20 lynxes. The project is supported by numerous partners and funded by the Thuringian Ministry for Environment, Energy, and Nature Conservation, as well as the EU, with a total of 2.9 million euros.
We are proud of our achievements so far and look forward to the continued development of the lynx population in the Thuringian Forest.