Welcome Viorel – Successful transport from Romania

We are pleased to announce that the transport of the wild male lynx Vioreel from Romania has been completed. Last month, our partner ACDB captured Vioreel in the forests of Romania. After a thorough health examination, which confirmed that he is fit for travel and release into the wild, Vioreel has safely arrived at the release enclosure in the Thuringian Forest after 20 hours of travel.
In the enclosure, Vioreel initially lives separated from the female lynx Frieda by a wooden wall. This arrangement allows both animals to gradually and safely get to know each other without direct contact. A joint release into the Thuringian Forest is planned for May.
We are eager to see whether Vioreel and Frieda will meet again after their release into their new habitat and perhaps contribute to the offspring in the Thuringian Forest.